
Sri Nrisimha Stuti

This is a powerful prayer to Lord Narasimha for one’s protection from the dark elements and demons within this material world. It was written by Pandit Trivikramacharya, a leading disciple of Sri Madhvacharya.



Udaya Ravi Sahasra-Dhyotitam Ruksa-Viksam
 pralaya jaladhi-nadam kalpa-krid vahni-vaktram
pranata-bhaya-haram tam narasimham namami

The radiance of a thousand rising suns is the glow on the Lord’s face. His eyes are fiery and His voice roars like the turbulent ocean of devastation. His body is wet with the blood of Indra’s foe, Hiranyakashipu. Lord Narasimha, the redeemer of the fear ridden, I bow down to Your feet.



Pralaya-Ravi-Karalakara-Ruk Chakra-Valam
daha daha narasimasahya-viryahitam me

Your effulgence is dazzling like that of the destructive sun, pralayaravi. It glows and glitters, makes the wicked tremble with fear. You laugh in a piercing high tone at the fear, ignorance and anger of the demons. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Sara-Sa Rabha-Sapadapata-Bharabhirava
pracakita-chala-sapta-dvandva-loka-stutas tvam
ripu-rudhira-nishekenaiva shonamghri-shalin
daha daha narasimasahya-viryahitam me

Your lotus feet are reddened by the blood of the enemy. Fourteen lokas are scared by the stamping of Your feet. Demigods assemble, fear and tremble and pray for Your mercy. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Tava Ghanaghana-Ghosho Ghoram Aghraya Jamgha
parigham alaghum uru-vyaja-tejo-girim cha
ghana vighatitam aga-daitya-jamghala-samgho
daha daha narasimasahya-viryahitam me

You take great pleasure in slaughtering the armies of the demons. You wield Your heavy mace in a most cunning manner with the force of a great mountain. As You chop demons into pieces others immediately flee for their lives. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



prakata-pata-tadit te sat-katishthati-patvi
katuka katuka dushtatopadrishti-pramushtau
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

The mountains of Your hips are nicely decorated with yellow garments, which appear just like lightning in its intense brilliance. Attacking fiercely he who had the foremost position (the seat of King Indra), You removed the threat of that exceedingly wicked one. O ferocious one! Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



shikhari-shikhara raktai rakta nandoha-deha
suvalibha-shubha-kukshe bhadra gambhira-nabhe
daha daha narasimasahya viryahitam me

As Your nails, sharp like thunderbolts, tore the abdomen of the enemy, blood surged from the body of the demon and bathed You. Your lotus-like navel is deep and Your abdomen is decorated with the auspicious three lines. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Sphurayati Tava Sakshat Saiva Nakshatra-Mala
daha daha narasimasahya viryahitam me

Your two hands, as they directly burst open the chest of the son of Diti, appear just like a necklace of stars. Supporting him on Your knees, You tore his chest apart which blocked the path of the stars. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Katu-Vikata-Sataudho-Dhattanad Bhrashta-Bhuyo
kara-parigha-vimarda-prodyamam dhyayatas te
daha daha narasimasahya viryahitam me

Your mane is burning and monstrous, and You cause the enemy to fall from his position by tearing apart his chest. Once attaining the opportunity, under the broad roof of the clouds and sky, You raise Your hand, powerful as a mace, to strike. I meditate upon You in this form. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Hata-Lutada-Laghisthotkantha-Dashto ‘Sta-Vidyut
sata-shata-katianorah-pitha-bhit sushtu nistham
patati nu tava kanthadhishtha-ghorantramala
daha daha narasimasahya viryahitam me

Appearing brilliantly illuminated, Your neck, with hundreds of mane-hairs, is raised lightly and appears to be bitten by eight bolts of lightning. You divide the chest and very strong position of Hiranyakashipu. You are garlanded with his ghastly entrails. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Hata-Bahu-Mihirabhasa Hy Asamhara-Ramho
huta-vaha-bahu-hetir hrepikananta-hetihi
ahata-yihita-mohan samvihansai ham asyam
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

The effulgence of many suns is destroyed by Your uncheckable potency. The many weapons sent against You are like sacrificial offerings, and You reply with unlimited weaponry. Put down, strike and slay my illusion. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Guru-Guru-Giri-Rajat-Kandarantargad Eva
daddhad ati-kau-damstre bhishanojjihva-vaktram
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

My Lord, Your fearful countenance, with tongue extended and sharp teeth blazing as if illuminated from within, appears as the peak of a huge mountain of gems lit by the sunrise and by fire coming from within its caves. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Adharita-Vibudhadhi-Dhyana-Dhairya Vididhyad
vividha-vibudhadhi shraddha-pitendrari-nasham
vidadhad ati-katahoddhatanoddhatta-hasam
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

The enemy of Indra (Hiranyakashipu) made waves in the ocean of demigods and took the shraddha offerings meant for the forefathers. Confounding the intelligence of the demigods, he minimized their austerity and position in various ways. But You, O Narasimha, melted him in the pot of Your shrill laughter. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



netra-trayam ati-laghitarchir vishtapavishtapadam
navatara-ravi-tamram dharayan ruksha-viksham
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

Every living being in the three worlds, down to the blade of grass, was scorched by the flame of Hiranyakashipu. But You, with Your three eyes, have annihilated this flame. Your appearance is threatening to the miscreants, and Your color is coppery like the newly risen sun. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Bhramad Abhi-Bhava-Bhubhrid Bhuri-Bhubhara-Sad
ripu-bhava-bhayam etar bhasi bho bho vibho ‘bhir
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

You wander about without resistance, for You are the supreme power and the maintainer of the earth. Hail to You, O Lord; You are effulgent and fearful to Your enemies, although You fear no one. You divided into nine parts the burden of the earth (Hiranyakashipu) simply by the effulgence produced by the movement of Your eyebrows. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



bhrukuti katu lalata-shreshtha-nasarunoshta
varada surada rajat-kesarotsaritare
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

Your ears are prominent, Your earrings swing to and fro and Your face appears ferocious. Your eyebrows give Your forehead a threatening aspect, and You are most beautiful with Your high nose and reddish lips. O giver of benedictions, well-wisher of the demigods and devotees, the enemy is scattered by the effulgence the hair of Your mane. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Pravikavacha-Kacha-Rajad-Ratna Kotira-Shalin
gala-gata galad-usradara-ratnangadadhya
kanaka-kataka-kanchi sinjini sudrikavan
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

 You wear no armor, yet You are decorated by beautiful locks of shining hair and many ornaments made of jewels. Your bodily effulgence appears as if You had swallowed the newly-risen sun. Your hands exhibit various mudras, and Your waist is decorated with a gold chain, making a tinkling noise. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Ari-Daram Asi Hetau Chapa-Banau Gadam
 san-mushalam api kapolam cankusham pasha-shulam
dadhad api vidhutantra-sragvi-bhinnari-vaksho
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

You are equipped with bow and arrow, as well as various astras or missiles, club, mace, rod for controlling elephants, noose, and trident. Placing the enemy upon Your lap and tearing open his abdomen, he is thus purified of all contamination, and therefore You take his intestines and wear them as a victory garland. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Cata Cata Cata Duram Mohayan Bhramayarin
kada kada kada kayam jvalaya sphotayasva
jahi jahi jahi vegam shatravah sanubandham
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

 Fall upon my foes, fall upon them, fall upon them. Bewilder them and drive them far away. Consume, consume, consume the bodies of the enemies; incinerate and burst them asunder. Conquer, conquer, conquer forcefully my foes and their followers. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



prasavi-vikata-damshtrojjihva-vaktra trinetra
kala kala kala kalam pahi mam te subhaktam
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

Even Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and King Indra are bewildered to see Your tongue, like a firebrand, pressed between Your gigantic teeth. O three-eyed one, Your face appears most fearful, like time personified. Sound out the fate of the demons and kindly protect me, Your surrendered servant. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Kuru Kuru Karunam Tvam Sankuram Daitya-Pote
disha disha vishadam me shashvatim deva-drishtim
jaya jaya jaya murte ‘narta jetavya-paksha
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

 O supreme form, Have mercy, have mercy upon me. Dispel, dispel my ignorance just as You uprooted the child of Diti. You are never subjected to the sufferings of material existence. Neither are You defeated; indeed, whoever You favor will always triumph. Be victorious. Bestow upon me the divine vision to see You always. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Stutir Iyam Ahita-Ghnisevita Narasimhi
tanur iva parishanta-malini sabhitolam
tad akhila-gurum agrya-shrida-rupa-mahadbhihi
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

This prayer, offered in devotional service to Lord Narasimhadeva, destroys all inauspicious things. That Lord of the universe, the universal teacher, appearing as if garlanded by the destroyed body of Hiranyakashipu, bestows all good fortune and opulence upon His worshipers. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.



Likucha-Tilaka-Sunuh Sad-Dhitartanusari
narahari-nitim etam shatru-samhara-hetum
akrita-sakala-papa-dhvamsanim yah pathet tam
daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

The Lord appears in a seemingly bitter form to act for the protection of His devotee Prahlada. Anyone who reads this description of the character of Lord Narahari causes his enemies to retreat, and his sins are undone and vanquished. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.